Daily wage laborers of shelter homes screened for free

Dr Mahajan’s Hospital, ITC (Stemrx) and Disha Foundation joined hands to organize a 2-day social responsibility program to educate and screen daily wages laborers whe were in theshelter home COVID-19. Likewise, basic free health check-ups such as CBC, and other routine tests were conducted, medication and education about social distancing was given to the workers. The ones with cough or cold were referred to COVID-19 centers at Vashi for further examination.

Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a virus that causes respiratory disease and in serious cases it can lead to pneumonia as well. The listed symptoms of it are fever, cough and shortness of breath. Prime minister Narendra Modi has put the entire country under the lockdown to slow the outbreak of coronavirus in India. Now, Dr Pradeep Mahajan has taken an initiative to make people understand why coronavirus is a matter of major public health concern.

Dr Pradeep Mahajan,  Regenerative Medicine expert Dr Mahajan’s Hospital and Trustee Disha Foundation,“The outbreak of coronavirus has been labeled a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). To support the nation in creating awareness regarding COVID-19, free medical check-ups were conducted for more than 300 daily wage laborers who were in shelter homes , in CIDCO exhibition center majority of the workers didn’t have any major health issues apart from joint pain.

Dr Mahajan added, “Those 4-5 patients who had symptoms of rhinitis (it is an inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose, characterized by a runny nose, cough and stuffiness) were isolated, prescribed medication, educated about how the virus can be problematic, the importance of self-isolation, and were referred to COVID centers at Vashi for further evaluation. The aim of this joint initiative by Dr Mahajan’s Hospital, ITC (Stemrx) and Disha Foundation was to curb the spread of coronavirus by helping people to detect it at the right time, and reduce mortality rates.”



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